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Crafting Success: We proudly designed and developed the Stratlab landing page, empowering users to create, test, and execute AI-powered trading strategies effortlessly.

Industry : Financial Technology, AI/ML Trading Platforms

Services Offered : Website Design and Development, DevOps and Automation,  AI/ML Integration, Custom Plugin Development for Referral Marketing, Email Marketing Integration 

Project Overview needs a pioneering trading platform designed to democratize access to sophisticated trading strategy development tools. It enables users, from amateur traders to professionals, to create, test, and execute AI-powered trading strategies without the need to write code. 

The Challenge

Overcoming challenges isn’t just about finding quick fixes. It’s about learning and growing through the process. Each obstacle is an opportunity to refine our methods, improve our skills, and enhance our services. This commitment to continuous improvement is what sets us apart and allows us to deliver exceptional results, no matter the difficulties we face.

User-Friendly Design

Developing a platform that balances the complexity of real-time trading data and strategy optimization with a user-friendly interface, avoiding user overwhelm. 

High Concurrency Support

Ensuring the platform can handle a large number of simultaneous users without compromising performance. 

Dynamic Content Updates

Implementing features that allow for real-time content updates to keep information current and actionable. 

Security and Scalability

Building the platform to be both secure and scalable, accommodating future growth and maintaining user trust.

Encouraging Referral Growth

Creating a built-in referral system to incentivize users to share the platform and contribute to organic user base expansion. 

The Solution

Zimozi team implemented a comprehensive technical solution that ensures seamless performance, scalability, and user-friendliness. Here’s how we approached the development using the specified technologies. 

WordPress was utilized to efficiently manage content, ensuring the platform is scalable and easy to update for Application Landing Page.

We employed React.js to create a dynamic and responsive user interface, catering to both amateur and professional traders. 

Python and Node.js powered the backend, providing efficient data processing and seamless integration with the frontend. 

AWS Lightsail provided the scalable cloud infrastructure, while AWS SES handled secure and reliable email communications. 

Google Analytics was integrated to track user behavior and inform platform optimizations. 

Sendgrid was used to automate and manage email marketing, keeping users engaged and informed. 

 Grafana was implemented for continuous system monitoring, ensuring platform reliability and performance. 

Key Features

Users can choose from a variety of strategy templates, such as momentum, mean reversion, and pairs trading, to quickly build out an initial framework. 

The AI automatically converts your strategy ideas into clear, explainable entry and exit signals, which can be customized and optimized within Stratlab’s strategy builder 

Backtest your strategy’s performance across different time frames and market environments to understand its effectiveness.

Use machine learning to fine-tune strategy parameters by iterating through thousands of variations, optimizing for key performance metrics like Sharpe ratio, Sortino ratio, and Excess returns.

Toggle between performance and holdings-based views, displaying profit/loss metrics, price charts, and indicators related to your trading rules.

Receive price alerts and make data-driven decisions to execute your strategy in real-time.

Stratlab is designed for retail investors who want to create, test, optimize, and deploy trading strategies without needing to write code.

Pre-Built Strategy Templates

Users can choose from a variety of strategy templates, such as momentum, mean reversion, and pairs trading, to quickly build out an initial framework.

AI-Generated Trading Signals:

The AI automatically converts your strategy ideas into clear, explainable entry and exit signals, which can be customized and optimized within Stratlab’s strategy builder

Comprehensive Backtesting

Backtest your strategy’s performance across different time frames and market environments to understand its effectiveness.

Machine Learning Optimization

Use machine learning to fine-tune strategy parameters by iterating through thousands of variations, optimizing for key performance metrics like Sharpe ratio, Sortino ratio, and Excess returns.

Real-Time Performance Monitoring:

Toggle between performance and holdings-based views, displaying profit/loss metrics, price charts, and indicators related to your trading rules.

Price Alerts and Execution

Receive price alerts and make data-driven decisions to execute your strategy in real-time.

ser-Friendly Interface:

Stratlab is designed for retail investors who want to create, test, optimize, and deploy trading strategies without needing to write code.


The platform has successfully enabled a wide range of investors to access hedge fund-level trading strategy tools, empowering them to create and deploy strategies that were once only possible for institutional investors. This highlights our comprehensive approach to web application development, from initial concept through to deployment, emphasizing our ability to deliver solutions that meet the intricate needs of the fintech industry. 

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