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Stream Unique African Narratives with A Web Application We Crafted to Connect Cultures.

Industry : Media & Entertainment 

Services Offered : Website Design and Development, UI/UX Design, SEO Optimization, Google Analytics Integration, Cloud Deployment, Email Marketing Integration 

Project Overview is a platform dedicated to streaming unique African narratives. The client required a website that would automatically reflect new YouTube content based on categories, provide a seamless user experience, and effectively engage users with visible calls to action. The integration of Mailchimp was also necessary for managing newsletter subscriptions. 

The Challenge

Overcoming challenges isn’t just about finding quick fixes. It’s about learning and growing through the process. Each obstacle is an opportunity to refine our methods, improve our skills, and enhance our services. This commitment to continuous improvement is what sets us apart and allows us to deliver exceptional results, no matter the difficulties we face.

YouTube Integration

Ensuring that newly posted YouTube videos were automatically reflected on the website based on category. 

User Engagement

Designing visible calls to action that would effectively engage users and encourage interaction.

Email Marketing

Implementing an effective email marketing solution to keep subscribers informed and engaged.

The Solution

To meet the diverse and complex needs of, our team embarked on a multi-faceted approach that combined robust technology with user-centric design. Our solution involved the integration of various tools and technologies to deliver a seamless, scalable, and engaging digital experience. 

Developed the website on WordPress, leveraging its flexibility and ease of content management.

Deployed the website on AWS Lightsail, providing a scalable and reliable cloud infrastructure. 

Integrated YouTube with the website to ensure that videos automatically populate based on categories. 

Configured Mailchimp to manage and automate email marketing for subscribers. 

 Focused on creating an intuitive user interface with clear calls to action to enhance user engagement. 

Have a similar challenge or an idea to discuss? Have a similar challenge or an idea to discuss? Have a similar challenge or an idea to discuss?
Have a similar challenge or an idea to discuss? Have a similar challenge or an idea to discuss? Have a similar challenge or an idea to discuss?

Key Features

Automatically updates with the latest YouTube videos in selected categories and includes curated playlists like “Relufe Social Experiment,” “Relufe Challenge,” and “Relufe Review.” 

Features user-friendly navigation and high-quality thumbnails to enhance the browsing experience. 

Clear subscription options and social media buttons encourage interaction, while viewer-driven content invites ratings and comments.

Hosted on AWS Lightsail for scalability and to handle increased traffic. 

Uses Mailchimp for managing email subscriptions and audience engagement. 

Fully responsive across all devices. 

Focuses on unique African stories, with an initial spotlight on Nigeria. 

Dynamic Content Integration

Automatically updates with the latest YouTube videos in selected categories and includes curated playlists like “Relufe Social Experiment,” “Relufe Challenge,” and “Relufe Review.” 

Intuitive User Experience

Features user-friendly navigation and high-quality thumbnails to enhance the browsing experience. 

Effective Audience Engagement

Clear subscription options and social media buttons encourage interaction, while viewer-driven content invites ratings and comments. 

Scalable Cloud Infrastructure

Hosted on AWS Lightsail for scalability and to handle increased traffic. 

Email Marketing Integration

Uses Mailchimp for managing email subscriptions and audience engagement. 

Responsive Design

Fully responsive across all devices. 

Cultural Connection

Focuses on unique African stories, with an initial spotlight on Nigeria. 


The project successfully launched a culturally rich, engaging platform that effectively streams African narratives to a global audience. The platform has seen significant increases in user engagement, longer session durations, and a higher rate of return visitors. User feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, particularly regarding the ease of use and the quality of the content. 

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