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Explore how we brought's vision to life, creating a digital arena where passion for sports and community engagement collide in Singapore

Industry : Sports and Community Engagement 

Services Offered : Website Design and Development,  Mobile App Development(iOS, Android) with Admin, Cloud Hosting(AWS), Google Analytics, UI/UX Development, Server Monitoring 

Project Overview

Ivan Mun, the founder of Athletix, envisioned a digital platform that would serve as a central hub for sports enthusiasts in Singapore. His goal was to create a vibrant digital arena where people could connect, compete, and engage with one another, fostering a strong sense of community. The platform needed to be intuitive, engaging, and scalable to support a growing user base. 

The Challenge

Overcoming challenges isn’t just about finding quick fixes. It’s about learning and growing through the process. Each obstacle is an opportunity to refine our methods, improve our skills, and enhance our services. This commitment to continuous improvement is what sets us apart and allows us to deliver exceptional results, no matter the difficulties we face.

User Engagement

Designing the platform to actively encourage user participation and interaction was a key challenge.

Cross-Platform Consistency

Ensuring a seamless and consistent user experience across web, iOS, and Android platforms while maintaining cost-effectiveness.


The platform needed to be designed with scalability in mind to handle the anticipated growth in users and data as the community expanded.

Time Constraints

The client was particularly focused on launching the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) within six sprints.

The Solution

To meet these challenges, we adopted an agile methodology that allowed us to remain flexible and responsive to the client’s evolving needs.The MVP was carefully crafted to include core features essential for immediate user engagement. These features included game matchmaking, ranking systems, award badges, league tournaments, and a scheduler. The MVP was designed to deliver immediate value to users while laying the groundwork for future enhancements and expansions. 

Implemented using Flutter, providing a dynamic and responsive user interface that adapts seamlessly across both iOS and Android devices. Flutter enhances the app’s aesthetic and functional qualities, offering a smooth, native user experience. 

Utilizes Node.js to provide a robust server-side architecture that supports high-volume network applications efficiently.

Employs MongoDB, a NoSQL database, to ensure rapid access and storage of data which is crucial for dynamic mobile applications. 

Hosted on AWS, leveraging advanced cloud solutions like AWS Lambda for server monitoring and CloudWatch for real-time operational and performance insights, ensuring high scalability and reliability.

Integrates Firebase for real-time data tracking and Google Analytics for in-depth user interaction analysis, helping to drive strategic business decisions.

WordPress is used for managing content effortlessly, ensuring that updates and posts are handled smoothly without technical hitches.

Incorporates Mailpoet for newsletter distribution and targeted email marketing campaigns to engage users effectively. 

SendGrid is used for managing push notifications and email alerts, ensuring timely and reliable communication with app users.

Supports in-app purchases seamlessly integrated with both Google Play Store and Apple App Store, facilitating easy transactions directly within the app.

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Have a similar challenge or an idea to discuss? Have a similar challenge or an idea to discuss? Have a similar challenge or an idea to discuss?

Key Features

Connects users with fellow sports enthusiasts for competitive matches or casual rally sessions.

A ranking system that encourages users to rise through the ranks, focusing not just on scores but on personal growth and skill development.

Allows users to earn and share badges with opponents, fostering a culture of celebration and continuous improvement.

Offers a variety of tournaments tailored to different skill levels, providing a platform for users to showcase their talents and challenge themselves.

Automatically schedules matches between players based on the tournaments (Round Robin, Boxed) they join, with notifications for match events.

Game Matchmaking

Connects users with fellow sports enthusiasts for competitive matches or casual rally sessions.


A ranking system that encourages users to rise through the ranks, focusing not just on scores but on personal growth and skill development. 

Award Badges

Allows users to earn and share badges with opponents, fostering a culture of celebration and continuous improvement.

League Tournaments

Offers a variety of tournaments tailored to different skill levels, providing a platform for users to showcase their talents and challenge themselves.


Automatically schedules matches between players based on the tournaments (Round Robin, Boxed) they join, with notifications for match events. 


The launch of led to the creation of a thriving digital community for sports enthusiasts in Singapore. The MVP was a resounding success, with users quickly embracing the platform’s features, such as matches, rankings, and tournaments. has rapidly positioned itself as a leading platform for sports and community engagement, with plans for continuous growth and feature enhancements in the near future. 

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