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Delivered an iOS, Android, and Web applications with Unmatched Customer Satisfaction for Kliks - Track and process mileage reimbursements easily

Industry : Transportation & Logistics, Fleet Management, Financial Services (Reimbursement & Expense Management)

Services Offered : Web App Development, Mobile App Development(iOS, Android) with Admin, Cloud Hosting(AWS), Google Analytics, UI/UX Development

Project Overview

Kliks aimed to create a groundbreaking product in the Mileage Tracking Apps domain, capable of capturing user profiles, licenses, and registration details while recording trips both online and offline. The app needed to be scalable to support a large user base and optimize battery usage during trip recording. 

The Challenge

Overcoming challenges isn’t just about finding quick fixes. It’s about learning and growing through the process. Each obstacle is an opportunity to refine our methods, improve our skills, and enhance our services. This commitment to continuous improvement is what sets us apart and allows us to deliver exceptional results, no matter the difficulties we face.

User Data Capture

Ensuring secure and efficient capture of user profiles, licenses, and registration details while maintaining user privacy and data integrity.

Offline Data Handling

Developing capabilities to calculate and record trips accurately, even when the app is offline or running in the background, to ensure continuous user experience and data reliability.


Implementing a scalable infrastructure capable of handling rapid user growth and varying loads without compromising performance or user experience.

Battery Optimization

Innovating solutions to optimize battery usage during trip recording to enhance user satisfaction and app usability for extended periods

The Solution

Zimozi Solutions was chosen by Kliks to design and develop a world-class Mileage Tracking App across iOS, Android, and Web platforms.

Utilizing React for a dynamic and responsive user interface that adjusts to various devices and screen sizes. 

Python was chosen for its versatility and compatibility with AI frameworks, facilitating complex data handling and operations. 

OpenAI Assistant was integrated to enhance the interactive aspect of the platform, enabling it to generate responses and engage users effectively. 

Deployed MongoDB for its flexibility and scalability, allowing for efficient data storage and retrieval necessary for handling complex queries and large datasets. 

Chose Amazon Web Services (AWS) for cloud hosting to leverage its robust, scalable, and secure infrastructure, ensuring high availability and performance. 

Integrated Google Maps API to enrich the application with location-based services, enhancing functionality and user engagement. 

Integrated Stripe to provide secure and efficient payment processing capabilities, enabling smooth transactions within the app. 

Utilized Firebase for analytics to capture detailed user interactions and behavior, providing valuable insights that drive business decisions and app improvements. 

Incorporated OneSignal for push notifications to keep users informed and engaged, enhancing communication and retention strategies. 

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Key Features

Efficiently stores critical user information to customize and secure the user experience.

Even when the app is offline or running in the background, it accurately tracks and logs trips, ensuring no data loss.

Engineered to efficiently handle a large number of users without sacrificing performance, ensuring smooth scalability.

The app is optimized for low battery consumption during trip recording, enhancing user convenience

Offers a streamlined onboarding process allowing users to swiftly start using the app without complex steps.

Once installed, the app autonomously records trips according to user settings, eliminating the need for manual trip logging

Implements a simplified workflow for submitting and approving trip reimbursements, enhancing user satisfaction.

Capture User Profiles, Licenses, and Registration Details

Efficiently stores critical user information to customize and secure the user experience.

Calculate and Record Trips

Even when the app is offline or running in the background, it accurately tracks and logs trips, ensuring no data loss.

Scalable Solution for User Onboarding

Engineered to efficiently handle a large number of users without sacrificing performance, ensuring smooth scalability.

Optimize Battery Usage

The app is optimized for low battery consumption during trip recording, enhancing user convenience.

Quick & Easy Sign-Up Process

Offers a streamlined onboarding process allowing users to swiftly start using the app without complex steps.

Automated Trip Recording

Once installed, the app autonomously records trips according to user settings, eliminating the need for manual trip logging.

Hassle-Free Reimbursement & Approval

Implements a simplified workflow for submitting and approving trip reimbursements, enhancing user satisfaction.


Zimozi Solutions successfully completed the Kliks project, delivering a robust solution that streamlined and enhanced the user experience in trip management and reimbursement. 

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